Friday, September 7, 2012

My Political S & M Fetish

Once in a while I ignore my intuition, I throw caution to the wind, and I change the channel to MSNBC. Last night, the final night of the Democratic National Convention, I decided, 'Ah, what the heck!'

Covering the event was none other than the one and only Rachel Maddow. When I tuned in, she spoke about the "Most famous North Carolinian Politician of all time." He had just spoken at the DNC. He was a black gentleman who was once or maybe currently the mayor of Charleston. I had never heard of him, and I am still having trouble remembering his name or able to find it via Google. I guess John Edwards has been removed from the Democrat history books much like the more than 100 years of anti civil rights leadership the Democrats were once famous for.

But that's not important. What is, that she then showed an ad from 1991 from this wickedly famous politician's rival. The commercial did in fact have a racist feel to it as it focused on Affirmative Action. Fine, I can accept her opinion on that. But she then goes on to show a clip of Mitt Romney talking about Welfare.

As the theme has gone, there are apparently new buzz words for racism that no one told non MSNBC viewers about. Chicago is a racist slur. Any mention of Obama or the economy is apparently blatant racism the first day of the work week in now racist and of course any form of Government assistance is now racist when spoken about. I guess we should just need to ignore the fact that the majority of people receiving Government assistance are actually white.

So as is the tradition, the so called journalist then is supposed to turn to an "expert" to join the conversation and back up the in defendable premise. Who’s their expert? None other than master race instigator Reverend Al Sharpton. No, I am serious.

With a scowl on his face he stares into the camera. Attempting to intimidate any viewer like my who would dare to speak up to the insanity currently playing out he states, "It is absolutely racist!" A guy, who came to be because he riled up a mob in Crown Heights, New York many years ago. He did so with some of the most vile anti-Semitic hate speech seen since 1940's Germany. For those don't recall this incident, a Rabbi in the community had passed away. During his funeral procession, a car accidently struck and killed a young black child. When the driver, a Hasidic man got out of the car to see if he could help the boy, a group of young black teens across the way had seen what had happened and beat the man to death.

To make the situation worse, Reverend Al in true Rev Al fashion flew in and spoke to a vigil. Calling the Jews "Diamond Merchants" he gave a fiery speech that turned into a riot where several other Hasidic Jews were beaten, some even beaten to death.

In another incident, a black merchant in New York City was thrown out of his store front for failure to pay rent. Once again Rev Al flew in, riled people up with blatant anti-Semitism. The business next door to the black merchant was owned by a Jewish family. It was a dry cleaners. Rev Al riled up the crowd again, and one of the attendees walked into the dry cleaners with a gun. He held the family, and some of their customer’s hostage eventually burning the store to the ground with everyone including himself inside.

This is MSNBC's racism expert. A despicable anti-Semite. It's no wonder why he got so worked up when he heard of young black man in Florida was shot by a man named Zimmerman. At first glance, and with his sordid past, we can clearly see what he was thinking, and why he seemed to back off the topic when it was discovered George Zimmerman was not Jewish.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Under The Gun

New York City's gun control laws are amongst the strictest in the country. So naturally when a shooting occurs with in the city limits, lack of gun control is blame. Or is it? Could the government ever effectively outlaw all guns throughout the country? Of course not. We get told when it comes to people who are here illegally that the logistics involved with rounding them up would be impossible. Because a person who doesn't want to be found, often won't be in a country this large. So wouldn't the same logic be applied to gun laws.

Politicians on both sides tend to avoid this issue. For one thing, the logistics issue I just mentioned means the process is about as possible as sprouting wings and taking flight. But that doesn't stop the demagogues from suggesting it. The real danger though is knowing the government can never round up guns that people don't want rounded up, what are the people who are unarmed do in the face of a determined gunman? Wait a few minutes for the police? Well we have seen the answer over and over again and the results are heartbreaking.

If a Carpenter builds a home riddled with problems, does replacing his hammer make him a better tradesmen? No, he lacks a fundamental tool. If you take away a  gun from a murderer, it may make him a less efficient murderer, but he/she is still a murderer. This person has made up their mind and they are going to kill. taking their gun away might change the probability of success, or even volume, but it will never stop murder all together. The only thing Michael Bloomberg or any other gun grabber can do is outlaw human nature. Now we are delving into some SciFi realm of mind restructuring or a Minority Report scenario. Either way, the means do not exist, and unless all people are subjected to this process, then the results won't change.

Murder is as old a practice as the Homosapien itself. It is an unfortunate reality in this crazy world we live but none the less it remains reality. If you outlaw guns, people will use a knife or a bat or a stick or a rock or even their bare hands. And what would you do then, ban hands? Just as the impossible thumb helped the human evolve to tool using sentient beings separating itself from the wild, so does the impulse to protect the lives of people you may not even know. So I understand the visceral reaction after these horrific mass shootings, but evil does exist, and the best we could ever do is take up the responsibility of our own safety and those around us.

The Real War on Women


Talk about a witch hunt! The common reframe we have listened to from the left as of late is that the right somehow hates women. How do they illustrate this narrative? Well they claim that it is an audacious belief that women should be responsible for their own contraception and abortions. Now that would just be so unfair, I know. 

When I was dating my wife, she was on "The Pill". And not the ordinary pill, but a special one that was safe for another ailment she had. It cost her either $12 a month, or $26 for a three month supply. Dare I say that even the most impoverished among us, if contraception was as big a deal to them, could muster $12 a month. But what do I know; I am just evil Conservative male demon. I don't get the concept of contraception paid for by other? And if it is important for these women, why don't they fight for equality and pay for my rubbers too?

But then again, if careful thought is placed on the over dramatic rhetoric on this issue, we can see that Women, are not the chief concern for Democrats. If it were, Democrats might be concerned with a real war being waged on not only women, but on gay people, on defiant people who speak their minds. And on what they describe as Infidels.

Recently an Egyptian man was executed as an Apostate.*(See it here For those that don't know and Apostate is a person born Muslim who grows up and says, "I don't believe in Allah anymore." We here in America take the freedom of religion for granted, because when we choose our religious distinction, we are not killed or imprisoned for it.

So when a Congresswomen who was informed of a raid in 2004 in Virginia of the finding of a manifesto of the Muslim Brotherhood in which outlined a plan they called "The Grand Jihad", and then simply connected some dots, it was said, this was a Witch Hunt. It mattered little that the women she wanted investigated was the Right Hand of the Secretary of State one of the most powerful positions in the Country. She was simply chastised for her accusations even thought they followed this Manifesto to a T.

A few days ago it was released that only was Huma Abedin's family involved with the Muslim Brotherhood, but another Manifesto was found. Authored by the King Fahd of Saudi Arabia. In this version, which was eerily similar to the one found in Virginia, one of the sources cited for this just happened to be none other than Huma Abedin's father, go figure!

So you might be saying to yourself, "So what, we shouldn't condemn her for her father or mother or even her brother." And this might bare some truth, the type of truth that does usually only surface when an investigation is performed, which as of today it hasn't.

Of course then there is the other recent news. That Miss Abedin herself once worked for a publication called  Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs. "SO WHAT!" you might be thinking. Well, The Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs was a money raising entity created by a group called the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs. Both the institute and the journal were founded by Abdullah Omar who is a known funder of al Qaeda. And just to remind you, our troops have been fighting al Qaeda for over a decade now. al Qaeda's roots are deeply planted in the tree of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Now the purpose of me bringing this up is simple. Here we have on one hand a political party claiming their opposition is a bunch of women haters trying to deny those rights. While on the other hand, these same accusers are seemingly in bed with a group whose goal is to subjugate women just like they were in the 6th Century. I have even seen accusations that the Right wing's abortion stance is "archaic", but what is more archaic than a group that believes a women should do everything her husband asks and if she rejects her orders could lawfully be beaten, raped or worse?  

Until Democrats address this and many other true women haters that they have defended for about a decade now, they have no moral authority in the subject. We Conservatives have done nothing as awful as the Muslim Brotherhood would want to do to you. We want the opposite. We want you free to use as much birth control as you can handle. We want you free to where the sexy outfits you and I both love so much. Covering some women in a Hijab might be a blessing in disguise, but there are some in which it would be a damn shame!